Shed Strap Instructions
Detailed instructions on how to hang shed antlers on your wall with shed straps.
Video instuctions can be found here.

1. Backplate Placement
Position the antler on the wall to display it as desired. Determine the placement of the backplate and mark the center of the screw holes.

2. Install the Drywall Anchor
If screwing into drywall, we recommend the use of the included dry wall anchors. Use a 3/16" drill bit to drill the pilot whole for the drywall anchor. Then use a hammer and pound the dry wall screw into the drilled hole so the drywall anchor is flush with the wall.

3. Attach Backplate
Use the included 1" screws secure the backplate onto the wall using the predrilled holes/drywall anchors.

Attach Leather Strap
Pin one side of the leather strap to the metal pin and feed the rest of the strap through one metal bracket on the bottom of either side of the metal backplate.

5. Wrangle Antler
Wrap the leather strap around the antler and then feed through the adjacent slot in the metal bracket.

6. Secure Antler
Pull the slack of the leather strap through so the antler is secure and in the desired position on the wall.

Pin Leather Strap
Use one of the pin holes in the leather strap to hold the antler in the desired position.

Deal With Excess Leather
Cut the strap to size or fold the strap and secure the excess by pinning the strap again.